

Many problems arose as the city expands. In order to save the lands and materials in the survival mode, the scale of the facilities was too small and enough public spaces were not inserted into the crowded urban fabric. A number of main roads were not wider than 3 meters.
Many problems arose as the city expands. During the early survival mode period, the urban size was limited and facilities were in small scale to save the land and materials usage so that players could construct buildings in an enjoyable pace. The green space wasn’t considered properly, therefore the urban fabric was too densified. Most of streets in urban zone have a width of less than 3 blocks, making it difficult to keep a comfortable space whilst many villagers present in the area. We hadn’t yet considered the separation of pedestrian paths and principle traffics, and this will limit the speed of fast travel methods such as horses and wagons and limit the accessibility. The facades along streets haven’t been designed with a masterplan, thus creating lots of broken patterns. The blocking views decrease the transparence making it difficult to display the outline, especially the roofs. What’s more, in many case the D/H ratio is less than 1, creating a closed and oppressive space, disadvantaging the creation of space, therefore there aren’t many public space possible for different usages such as party and relaxing. Considering the variety of players’ architectural taste and the presence of many facilities made for survival mode or natural structure, the coherence of different urban fabrics has become a challenge for us. As for the gaming experience, there are also questions on encouraging scattering players to visit the downtown and promote the coupling of players to realize the specific value of a server versus a single game mode.



本期视频所介绍的UBW Hikari市民中心(Civic Centre of UBW Hikari)是本次建筑期的重点项目之一。该建筑将以服务器的出生点为其首要功能,同时它将担当市区与郊区的交流枢纽,便利玩家往返于郊区住所与市区设施。为此,我们将该建筑的基地选在东浦新村与卯月旧邸之间的协和半岛中心。该基地位于大都市圈核心,东邻由卯月主要建设的区域,西与爱丽丝为主导的城区以铁路桥为界。坐拥下界枢纽、养鸡场、公共田地、公共储存区及数个大型商场,且位铁路换乘车站,同时是玩家除了自宅以外唯一一个可以通过命令直接瞬移抵达的位置。

This video is intended to present the Civic Center of UBW Hikari, the core part of constructions during this period. The site serves as the spawn point and the transport interchange for traffics between the downtown and expanded zones, to facilitate players to travel around the server. To this purpose, we had chosen the core area of Concordia peninsula between Dongpu Nova village and Maoyue’s residence as the location. As an urban kernel, it’s surrounded at east by the districts constructed by Maoyue and at the east by old town built by Alice, divided by the elevated railway line. It consists of the interchange to the Hell rapid transit system, a chicken farm, public plantations, a warehouse and some shopping centers, and of course a railway station with interchange to metro. It’s designed to be the only location that players could arrive directly with commands besides their home.
Considering the chunks around the spawn is always activated, we will designate a building which has enough room for command blocks. However there aren’t any complete command block chunks in the base, at last we had to choose the northwest area where most of the chunks match the space. The building therefore had to be near the road to place big volume. However, as streets in the downtown are narrow, the volume should not be too massy, and it raised a question on how to insert public space and invite players’ interaction in densified urban houses.
The flow from the spawn area to the railway station was intended to be simple as possible.